Building Blocks: Miscellaneous Tools

DowntownOttawa1955-Google Earth.jpg

An image overlay made with this map and Google Earth.

Outside tools for writing and research there are many other tools that historians can use to help shape their graph. Google Earth for example can be used to help visual changes to space over time, by over laying older maps over spaces as they currently appear. Data visualization is another area that can be helpful to explore. Voyant Tools, for example, analyses digital texts to see what words are used the most and why. This can be helpful for historians who want to analyse large amounts of text to find trends over time. These texts can either be primary sources (ex: 19th century diaries of adolescent pioneer girls, early 20th century newspapers, etc.,) or secondary sources (ex: peer reviewed journal articles). 

For more on Google Earth: and

For more on Voyant-Tools and Data Mining:

'Crafting' A Research Space
Building Blocks: Miscellaneous Tools